Tuesday, March 31, 2009


My son just called! Chicken number 2 just hatched!

OK, they are now officially named Lefty and Righty!

I'm off to go buy camera batteries!


  1. I cant wait to see pics! Too funny! How did you sleep without crushing them?

  2. LOL Lefty and Righty I saw your post on BYC but now it seems to have vanished. I can't wait to see pics of the little chicks.

  3. Aww! I'm so inspired.

    My Ameraucana went broody this weekend and I've given her my eggs, which do show signs of development. It seems selfish for me to keep the eggs when she's obviously pining for something to hatch. Poor little broody, with no rooster and no chance to be a mommy unless I help her out.

  4. Squeaky are the eggs I sent you developing? I've had my fingers crossed and my seven year old daughter has delighted in tell all our family and friends that we sent chicks to " be hatched in a bra ". LOL She made me promise that she could try when she gets 'big enough'. Bird Crazy Lady AKA shadyglade

  5. I haven't had this much fun in a woman's bra in a long time. Once all those that will hatch are finished, you need to get a reunion photo.

  6. So... What happened??? It's been a while since the last update.

  7. Hi Shady,

    Bad news on the eggs... the banty one disappeared the day Rocky died, and somehow the big one got a hairline crack so it quit. The broody was not impressed. She's gone un-broody at the moment and started laying again.

  8. Hi, I am currently incubating 2 eggs in my bra... this is day 9 and at least one of them seems to be developing nicely. I was doing a little google search to see if there was any info about this, and came upon your excellent experiment :D I was wondering what you did when they started to hatch; I'm a little afraid they will get smothered in my boobs or something! Also, if you have any other advice in terms of humidity, turning, etc it would be greatly appreciated!
